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    People below Jinan garage door manufacturers come to take everyone to grasp the application of Jinan garage curtain door should pay attention to four points.

    下边人们济南市车库门厂家就来带大伙儿掌握掌握济南市车库卷帘门应用要留意的4点。 很多那时候众多顾客沒有留意平时应用的安全性,认为车库卷帘门的安全系数很高,并不容易产生哪些出现意外,出自于安全性关心,网编要向大伙儿普及化下车库卷帘门安装使用需注意的四点:1)接到控制器及锁匙后请安裝工作人员演试控制器及手动式锁匙放料口

    People below Jinan garage door manufacturers come to take everyone to grasp the application of Jinan garage curtain door should pay attention to four points. At that time, many customers did not pay attention to the safety of the usual application. They believed that the safety factor of the garage curtain door was very high, and it was not easy to cause any accidents. It was due to the safety concern. The networking should popularize the installation and use of the garage curtain door. Four points should be paid attention to: 1) After receiving the controller and keys, please install the staff test controller and manual key release outlet.


    2) After installation, the installation staff should adjust and operate the solar street lamp body as far as possible. Only when the operation is smooth, the controller and keys can be handed over and the warranty can be issued.

    3) 严禁在看不见门页运作状况的地区实际操作控制器,以防导致安全生产事故或车库卷帘门误开。

    3) It is strictly forbidden to operate the actual controller in areas where the operation status of the door pages is not visible, in order to prevent accidents in production or misoperation of the garage curtain doors.


    4) When the door page is in operation, it is forbidden for people or objects to stay under or under the door page.