  • 门业常识





    Curtain door is widely used in our life. It is a new type of curtain door replacement product. We can see it everywhere in our life. But in order to extend the use performance of the product, we need to do a good job of maintenance in the use process. As for how to maintain, Jinan roller shutter manufacturer will introduce the advantages and daily maintenance measures of roller shutter to you today. I hope I can help you.


    Jinan Rolling Curtain Door


    Advantages of Jinan Curtain Door:

    1、 保温性好。专门设计的保温夹层可满足室内对保温性能的要求。

    1. Good thermal insulation. The specially designed thermal insulation sandwich can meet the indoor requirements for thermal insulation performance.

    2、 规格多样。门体宽度及高度可根据我们的要求进行定做。

    2. Various specifications. The width and height of the door can be customized according to our requirements.

    3、 外观华贵。门体色彩柔和、美观大方,浮凸的门体设计使卷帘门更具有质感和立体感,因而可适于从传统到现代的各式建筑。

    3. The appearance is luxurious. The door is soft in color, beautiful and generous. The bulging door design makes the curtain door more textural and three-dimensional, so it can be used in all kinds of buildings from traditional to modern.

    4、 经久耐用。选用进口高材质的门体及坚固的框架设计,使我们不必担心卷帘门轻易会被损坏,经特殊处理的多涂层门体不会因环境因素的侵蚀而受损且阻燃、隔音。

    4. Durable. Selection of imported high-quality doors and strong frame design, so that we do not have to worry about rolling shutter doors will easily be damaged, after special treatment of multi-coated doors will not be damaged by environmental factors, flame retardant, sound insulation.

    5、 运行稳定。特殊门底部缓冲设计使门体运行更平稳且更具有良好的密闭性。

    5. The operation is stable. The special door bottom cushion design makes the door run more smoothly and has better airproof.

    6、 安装更简便、外观更美观、运行更加平稳。

    6. The installation is simpler, the appearance is more beautiful and the operation is more stable.


    Maintenance of Jinan Curtain Door:

    1、 济南卷帘门装置位置的上端有牢靠的防护设备,在卷帘门卷筒下端做包箱或吊顶时,一定要设置可拆式活动盖板,在卷帘门弹簧下端预留500*500mm可拆检修孔,以便于日后的维修保养。

    1. There are reliable protective equipment at the upper end of the device position of Jinan rolling shutter door. When making bags or ceiling at the lower end of rolling shutter door drum, removable movable cover must be set up, and 500*500 mm removable repair holes should be reserved at the lower end of rolling shutter door spring, so as to facilitate future maintenance.

    2、 当卷帘门运转时发作较大颤动或异常声音时,应立刻停机检查,扫除有碍门帘正常启动的杂物。

    2. When the rolling curtain door vibrates or makes abnormal sound when it is running, it should stop immediately to check and remove the debris that hinders the normal start of the curtain.

    3、 卷帘门的门帘和易生锈部位,要定期做防腐、油漆的保养处置,注意不要用重物、硬物去撞击门面。

    3. Curtain and rusty parts of rolling shutter doors should be treated regularly for anticorrosion and paint maintenance. Attention should be paid not to use heavy and hard objects to impact the face of doors.

    4、 卷帘门的底梁座上限位置要与轴承下端坚持不小于200mm的间隔,以确保制动中止时不发作冲顶现象。

    4. The upper limit position of the bottom beam seat of the rolling shutter door should be not less than 200 mm apart from the lower end of the bearing to ensure that the top-Impact phenomenon does not occur when the brake stops.

    5、 在卷帘门启闭中止过程中,应具备随位中止功用,不应当呈现中止而继续下滑的现象,假如发作下滑间隔大于50mm的现象,要立刻对卷帘门的控制电器和制动机器停止检查维修,直到运转正常为止。

    5. In the process of opening and closing the curtain door, it should have the function of stopping in place, and should not show the phenomenon of stopping and continuing to slide. If the sliding interval is greater than 50 mm, check and repair the curtain door's control electric appliance and brake machine immediately until the operation is normal.

    6、 卷帘门的运转,滑行,传动等部位要定期检查,每年至少3次,并依据机器需求及时加油,以确保卷帘门的正常运转。

    6. The running, sliding and driving parts of the rolling shutter door should be inspected regularly at least three times a year, and timely refueling should be carried out according to the requirements of the machine to ensure the normal operation of the rolling shutter door.

    7、 操作门时,操作者要站在能看到门帘运转状态的位置,否则卷帘门会受不测的发作而受损。

    7. When operating the door, the operator should stand at the position where he can see the running state of the curtain, otherwise the rolling curtain door will be damaged by unexpected occurrence./